I am going to write about my ortho viva..it was very interesting one..
so questions were ranging from peripheral nerve injury to fracture dislocation and pathology of bone and joints.
WHILE answering any question REGARDING MANAGEMENT one should be very particular in mentioning
INVESTIGATIONS first and then TREATMENT..{examiners look for it}
injury at the origin of radial nerve will paralyse all the muscles
injury at the level of radial groove{Saturday night palsy} ,triceps muscle escapes..
radial nerve causes extension so injury to it causes wrist drop{ unable to extend at the level of wrist}
interossei are also supplied by ulnar nerve so it escapes..
brachioradialis is supplied by the nerve before it divides into superficial and deep branches so testing the muscle will tell the level of injury..
injury to posterior interosseous branch cause wrist drop.. but extensor carpi radialis longus may escape
genu-knee , coxa -hip , cubitus -elbow
so genu valgum and genu varum are the angular deformity..to know the severity we can measure inter malleolar and inter condylar distance. Q angle is also diagnostic.
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